Customer Reviews of Linkedin Profile by Standard Writers

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Standard Writer Linkedin Profile

4.6 out of 5
 | 10 reviews
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To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.

Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
Gerrit Grundling
Saying little to speak much
Reviewed on | Advanced Career LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

My career to date has been summarised and presented well. However, the compiler seems to have more faith in me than I do.

A profile picture depicting Marie Soror.
Marie Soror
Very Professional
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

Thank you, you handled my CV very professional. My Skills are highlighted in such a manner that each person/company that seeks a suitable candidate can obtain clarity to their company needs.

A profile picture depicting Olga Rhoodie .
Olga Rhoodie
Excellent service
Reviewed on | Advanced Career LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

Thanks a lot to Colette for upgrading my CV to professional level. Her communication was quick and to the point. Definitely highly recommend her.

Francois Rademeyer
Easy to follow instructions
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

Took me 20 minutes to update my LinkedIn acc. Again to the point & easy. Claire was a star with all my stupid questions

Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

I am very excited to have received amazing tips to ensure that my social media presence is impactful. Claire put together very clear instructions and guided me through the entire process of ensuring my LinkedIn profile is professional and inviting!

Nathan has been very good. Initially had been assigned another person who delayed and never delivered in time. Her name Elisabeth, but when Nathan came it was super
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

Delays from Elisabeth

A profile picture depicting null.
Katy- Chief People Officer
I am so sorry about the initial delay, Rod; as soon as we realised this, we assigned the order to Nathan and I'm delighted that he was able to deliver a high quality, timely service.
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase
JP Mellet
Professional looking LinkedIn profile
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase
1st Class Service
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

You've outdone yourselves, thank you!

Johann Wentzel
Getting a well worded cover letter that is easily editable.
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase