To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we use a simple average.
To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.
Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
The layout is well-structured, but the overly excessive use of grossly overstated exaggeration is too much. I simplified some of the phrases.
Thank you for rearranging my son's CV to get his message out there. I believe that he will get the attention now that he deserves.
Keep up the good work... ;)
I am very impressed with the excellent service I have received. My CV was needing an update and CV Centre delivered above my expectations. The service was quick and efficient, drafting my CV in a way that looks and reads professional.
Thanks to Kathlyn, my CV, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile are in tip-top shape and I’m ready and confident to spread my wings and take my career to the next level. She is highly professional and performs magic with her word. Thank you very much for the great work!
liked the communication and the way the team made my cv to fit my needs
I had a great experience. Rebecca was professional and very efficient, stuck to her timelines and was very quick in turning around any edits. My CV looks great.
Many thanks
Krystna was amazing!! She dealt with all my perfectionism
My writer has been fantastic dealing with all my multiple questions and changes! I thank you so very much !!!
I used the service for CV, the overall experience was great, from the person who assisted me when I had enquiries, until I met Daniel who was in charge for writing my CV, he did a good job in putting my experiences into writing than I never thought I would, was listening to what I was saying as well
It was a pleasure working with Jerome, he was very quick to respond and his guidance invaluable. I believe I now have a CV and supporting documents that is professional, condensed and recent.
You've outdone yourselves, thank you!